Best Scaler Formula for Analog Input: Recommendations and Suggestions


Looking for a Scaler Formula to share? Any recommendations or formulas you can suggest? Thank you!

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The slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, is commonly used in engineering to relate the output (in engineering units) to the input (raw value). Here, y represents the output, x represents the input, m represents the slope (or scale factor), and b represents the y-intercept (or offset). This equation is frequently searched for in math and engineering fields.

When it comes to mathematical equations, one common form used is the slope-intercept form 'y = mx + b'. In this formula, 'y' represents the output, 'x' represents the input or raw value, 'm' represents the slope or scale factor, and 'b' represents the y-intercept or offset. For example, if you're having trouble understanding this concept, an illustration might be beneficial. Additionally, I am in search of a scalar that includes Analog Input parameters such as InMin and InMax, as well as OutMin and OutMax for Output. I am looking to have this represented as a formula that can be easily adjusted to suit my specific needs in Structured Text. Thank you for your assistance.

This Codesys FB is designed for 4-20mA analog output, but it can also be easily adjusted for analog input. The output value range falls between 4000 and 20,000. Within the IF block, zero division is checked for. The code snippet below demonstrates the formula used for calculation: FUNCTION_BLOCK PUBLIC FB_AnalogOutput VAR_INPUT uiInputEngUnits : UINT; uiInpScaleLowLimit : UINT; uiInpScaleHighLimit : UINT; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT uiOutput4_20mA : UINT; END_VAR VAR rOut : REAL; END_VAR Code: IF uiInpScaleHighLimit = 0 THEN rOut := 0; uiOutput4_20mA := REAL_TO_UINT(rOut); ELSE rOut := 4000 + ((uiInputEngUnits - uiInpScaleLowLimit) * (UINT_TO_REAL(16000) / (UINT_TO_REAL(uiInpScaleHighLimit) - UINT_TO_REAL(uiInpScaleLowLimit)))); uiOutput4_20mA := REAL_TO_UINT(rOut); END_IF By using this Codesys function block, you can efficiently manage the analog output while having the flexibility to adapt it for analog input as needed.

I have a Mitsubishi device with unique formatting capabilities. While it is not specifically programmed for ST, I am confident that it can be configured to work with ST protocols. This device features inputs for raw data, inputs for low and high values, and inputs for low and high output signals, as well as a floating point system for the final output. It is important to note that raw integer values are converted to real numbers before calculations are performed to avoid divide by zero errors. Additionally, there is a safeguard in place to prevent processor faults in case of zero division. This Mitsubishi device offers versatile functionality that can be adapted to meet various requirements.

The equation for calculating the slope (m) is: (Maximum scaled value - Minimum scaled value) / (Maximum raw value - Minimum raw value). The offset is determined by the scaled value when the raw value is zero. For example, if the raw value ranges from 4000 to 20000 and the scaled value ranges from zero to 100 percent, the slope can be easily calculated using the formula: Slope = (100 - 0) / (20000 - 4000) = 0.00625. Calculating the offset is a bit more complex. To do this, visualize extending the raw value range from 4000 down to zero. To find the offset, consider that an increase of 4000 in the raw value is equivalent to twenty-five percent of the way from the minimum to maximum, resulting in a scaled value of 25. Therefore, a decrease of 4000 corresponds to a scaled value of -25. This leads to the final formula: Scaled value = (0.00625 * Raw Value) - 25. To validate this formula, let's test it with a couple of sample calculations. First, for Raw Value = 4000, Scaled Value = (4000 * 0.00625) - 25 = 0. Second, for Raw Value = 20000, Scaled Value = (20000 * 0.00625) - 25 = 100. Lastly, for Raw Value = 12000, Scaled Value = (12000 * 0.00625) - 25 = 50. This method helps ensure accuracy and consistency in the calculations.

Sure, I'd be happy to share a simple scaler formula I often use. If you're working with values from 'a' to 'b' range and want to scale them to 'c' to 'd' range, the formula is: `y = ((x - a) * (d - c) / (b - a)) + c`. Here, 'x' is the value you're scaling. This formula calculates where 'x' falls within 'a' and 'b' range, then places it proportionally within 'c' and 'd' range. Remember to properly handle cases where 'a' equals 'b' to avoid division by zero.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Answer: 1. What is a scaler formula for analog input? - A scaler formula for analog input is a mathematical equation or expression used to convert raw analog input values into a scaled or standardized format that is more meaningful and easier to interpret.

FAQ: 2. How do I determine the best scaler formula for my specific analog input needs?

Answer: - The best scaler formula for your analog input will depend on factors such as the range of input values, desired output range, and any specific requirements or constraints of your application. Experimenting with different formulas and considering the characteristics of your analog input data can help you determine the most suitable scaler formula.

FAQ: 3. Can you provide some common scaler formulas used for analog input scaling?

Answer: - Some common scaler formulas for analog input scaling include linear scaling (Y = mX + b), min-max scaling (Y = (X - min) / (max - min)), and z-score normalization (Y = (X - mean) / standard deviation), among others. The choice of formula will depend on the specific requirements of your application.

FAQ: 4. Are there any recommendations or best practices for selecting a scaler formula for analog input?

Answer: - When selecting a scaler formula for analog input, it is important to consider the nature of your input data, the desired output format, and any constraints or requirements of your application. It is also recommended to test and validate the chosen formula to ensure it effectively scales the input data as needed.

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