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Hello! If you haven't already checked out my latest project, I'm excited to share that I am now working on a complete project using a Rockwell PLC for the first time. Last week, I began creating the sequences and transitions for the project and just recently made an interesting observation. I have organized all my sequences and transitions within the same "program" (Rockwell's term, whereas I would describe it as sections) to keep everything neat and easily accessible. However, I discovered that I am unable to access a step status outside of this specific section/program. For example, when attempting to use INIT000.X in another section, I realized that this tag only exists locally within the section/program. With this in mind, I have a few questions: Is it possible to transfer all tags (steps/actions/transitions) to the main tags? Or have I overlooked something, causing new tags from these sections to be created locally? Ideally, I would like all new steps and transitions to be created within the main tags, but it seems this may not align with Rockwell's intended functionality. Additionally, while I can still create an action for the steps needed in other sections, I am surprised that I am limited in using the .X outside of the section where the SFC is located. One workaround could be to group routines under the section where the .X needs to be called, but this might lead to a cluttered and inconsistent structure. I would greatly appreciate any advice or recommendations on how to address this issue. Thank you for your support!
When creating tags, one of the options to consider is the 'scope' setting. You can choose between 'Controller' (accessible everywhere) or 'Program' (limited to the specific program). By default, the scope setting in the dialogue box for creating tags will mirror the last tag created. It is unclear whether the scope of a tag can be edited later, especially offline. Moving tags from program-specific to controller-wide scope may pose a challenge if editing scope is not possible. It is uncertain if cutting and pasting tags referenced within the editor is allowed. However, changing the tags from Program- to Controller-scope is possible with the only inconvenience being the potential for duplicate names.
According to plvlce, when creating a tag, you have the option to set the 'scope' as either 'Controller' (accessible everywhere) or 'Program' (only accessible locally within the program). By default, the scope setting for tags created using the dialogue box will be the same as the last tag created. It is unclear whether the scope of a tag can be edited later, especially offline. If not, moving tags from local to controller scope could be difficult. However, it is possible to change the tags from Program- to Controller-scope, as long as there are no duplicate names. Previous tags were automatically placed in the "Controller," with only SFC steps/transitions/actions going to local program tags. If there are any issues with creating SFC routines, manually transferring a step could be worth trying. Thank you for the information.
When organizing sequences in a program, it's important to group them based on their relationship to the equipment being used. By familiarizing yourself with Equipment Modules and Equipment Phases, you can effectively categorize equipment into programs. This approach enables you to implement logic that revolves around the sequence and its status, promoting modularity within your code. To ensure ease of replication without the need for extensive modifications, consider creating a variable or User Defined Type (UDT) to store equipment status information. By setting this variable/UDT as program scoped and adjusting its access level to Public in the tag list, you can easily reference it in other programs as needed. However, it's crucial not to overuse this feature, as it may lead to complications and diminish its benefits.
Answer: - In Rockwell PLC projects, tags are typically created locally within a specific section/program. To transfer these tags to the main tags, you may need to manually recreate them in the main tags section. Rockwell's functionality may not support automatically transferring all tags to the main tags.
Answer: - Tags created within a section/program in Rockwell PLC are usually localized to that specific section. This limitation means that tags like INIT000.X can only be accessed within the section where they are defined. Consider structuring your project to accommodate this limitation or creating workarounds to access required tags from other sections.
Answer: - It is advisable to plan your project structure carefully to avoid issues with tag accessibility. You can organize your project by grouping related routines together or manually recreating necessary tags in the main tags section. Consulting Rockwell's documentation or seeking advice from experienced users can also provide insights on effective tag management techniques.