Troubleshooting Eprom Error on Memory Card for CPU 317T-2 DP 317-6TK13-0AB0


Hello, we are working on reviving a CPU 317T-2 D. The memory card was faulty, and after some resets, we only see a red flickering SF light. We attempted to load the 3176TK13_V265.EXE (4014 KB) file with Simatic Manager v5.2 on a Field PG, following the instructions below. We removed the new 8MB card and selected "Update Operating System," choosing the CPU_HD.UPD file. However, we encountered an error while writing to the memory card's EEPROM. Any insight into what could be causing this issue? We have tried a second card now, and the card is functioning properly. To create an operating system update card, you will need a Micro Memory Card with a minimum capacity of 8 MB (order number: 6ES7 953-8LP20-0AA0), STEP 7 V5.1 SP2 or higher, and a PC with an external prommer (order number: 6ES7 792-0AA00-0XA0) or Field PG. Follow these steps to create the update card using STEP 7: 1. Download the desired CPU file. 2. Unpack the file by double-clicking on it. 3. Delete the Micro Memory Card by selecting "File / S7 Memory Card / Delete" in the SIMATIC Manager. 4. Program the operating system by choosing "PLC / Update Operating System" in the SIMATIC Manager, selecting the target folder, and initiating the programming process by opening the file CPU_HD.UPD. The operating system update card has been successfully programmed if you see the message "The firmware update for the module with the order number 6ES7317-6TK13-0AB0 was successfully transferred to the S7 memory card" on the screen.

Top Replies

If your MMC card is defective, it's essential to first address that issue before loading new firmware onto the CPU. If you have a functioning STEP7 project and a new MMC card, simply install the card in the CPU and proceed with a standard download process. Begin with configuring the hardware and then move on to transferring the program blocks. This method ensures a smooth and efficient transition without unnecessary complications.

We are unable to establish a connection with the CPU.

Is it functioning properly?

JRW remarked on the issue, asking if it has been fixed or not. Unfortunately, the message still persists: an error occurred while writing to the memory card's eprom.

Do you possess the original Simatic Manager/Technology project file? If so, please share it with us.

It sounds like you're doing everything right by the book. Since you've ruled out a card issue with the second functioning card, the error might be due to the version of the Simatic Manager. Lower versions can have issues with writing to the card’s EEPROM, while higher versions handle it better. So, my recommendation would be to try the whole process with a more updated version of Simatic Manager (higher than v5.2), like v5.6, for instance. Also, ensure that you're using a genuine Siemens memory card, as off-brand cards can cause issues with reliable data storage. Good luck with your CPU revival!

It sounds like you've followed the steps pretty diligently. It's curious that you're encountering that EEPROM error. It could potentially be a compatibility issue between the .UPD file and your 317T-2 D. I'd suggest ensuring the CPU_HD.UPD version is compatible with your CPU model. Alternatively, are you sure that the software on your Field PG is up to date? Obsolete software can sometimes cause read/write issues. Lastly, do run integrity checks on the cards to rule out faults that can sometimes be missed.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ: 1. What could be causing an error while writing to the memory card's EEPROM during the operating system update process?

Answer: - Potential causes of this issue could include a faulty memory card, incorrect file format or version, improper procedure execution, or hardware compatibility issues.

FAQ: 2. How can I create an operating system update card for the CPU 317T-2 D using STEP 7?

Answer: - To create an operating system update card, you will need a Micro Memory Card with a minimum capacity of 8 MB, STEP 7 V5.1 SP2 or higher, and a PC with an external prommer or Field PG. Instructions for creating the update card include downloading the CPU file, unpacking it, deleting the Micro Memory Card in the SIMATIC Manager, and programming the operating system by choosing "PLC / Update Operating System."

FAQ: 3. What steps should be taken if encountering an error while writing to the memory card's EEPROM during the update process?

Answer: - If you encounter an error, ensure that you are following the correct procedure, using the right file format and version, and that the memory card is not faulty. You may also try using a different memory card or checking for hardware compatibility issues.

FAQ: 4. How can I verify if the operating system update card has been successfully programmed?

Answer: - The successful programming of the operating system update card can be verified by seeing the message "The firmware update for the module with the order number 6ES7317-6TK

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